
Firewatch story
Firewatch story

His only contact is Delilah, who works in another tower off in the distance. After deciding some details about how Henry and his wife met – a sequence that doesn’t really change the story of the game, but serves as a beautiful introduction to the character – it is revealed that Henry has taken a job as the lone man in a watchtower in the national parks of 1970s Wyoming, watching for wildfires to report.

firewatch story

Henry is a married man whose wife has been taken back to live with her family, following a bout with mental illness. However, it opens with a slight twist the player starts off by learning about, and choosing certain parts of, the main character’s past. Firewatch is a story of what happens when a person tries to hide in a place that isn’t hidden at all.įirewatch is a first-person narrative-centric game in the style of Gone Home, The Stanely Parable, and others of the like. Sometimes a person can just hide in their bedroom or a well-loved secret spot, but sometimes they have to run away to realms unknown. The search for quiet space is kind of what Firewatch is about, but it’s also about more than that. Find your quiet space, settle in there, and center yourself. Other times, though, you just have to shut yourself in for a bit. Sometimes, sure, you can go days without privacy, being around people you love and doing the things you enjoy.

firewatch story

It’s really common to see people attach a negative stigma to the idea of isolation, but sometimes it can be a cleansing experience.

Firewatch story